Final E3000 Ακουστικά ψείρες In-Ear Isolating Earphone – Stainless Steel

69.01 με ΦΠΑ 24%

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With the entry of Final into the dynamic earphone world, the E3000 dynamic earphones have been created to provide excellent sound quality with a straightforward design for budget conscious audio lovers. With natural sound that does not emphasise any frequency range specifically, the E3000 provides an overall smooth frequency response for a natural listening experience. […]


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With the entry of Final into the dynamic earphone world, the E3000 dynamic earphones have been created to provide excellent sound quality with a straightforward design for budget conscious audio lovers. With natural sound that does not emphasise any frequency range specifically, the E3000 provides an overall smooth frequency response for a natural listening experience. Ensuring the balance of frequencies, the small-aperture dynamic driver in the E3000 have not been tuned to accent any frequency range which would mask other frequencies. With this Final have managed to achieve a flat and natural sound in a dynamic driver that has been crafted with utmost care and precision. To make sure the E3000 retains high-resolution sound the earpieces have been crafted from stainless steel with a mirror finish. This stable material minimises unwanted vibrations of the dynamic driver that would distort the sound, presenting an earphone that is perfectly suited to acoustic music, jazz and classical music. Authentic sound experience.

Box Contains

Final E3000 In Ear Isolating Earphones – Stainless Steel 5 pairs silicon ear tips Ear hook Pouch

Part of Final\’s emergence into the dynamic earphone domain, the new E2000 earphones have been developed to provide high-resolution sound in an uncomplicated design at an affordable price point. With natural sound that does not emphasise any frequency range specifically, the E2000 provides an overall smooth frequency response for a natural listening experience.

High Resolution Sound.

Ensuring the balance of frequencies, the small-aperture dynamic driver in the E2000 have not been tuned to accent any frequency range which would mask other frequencies. With this Final have managed to achieve a flat and natural sound in a dynamic driver that has been crafted with utmost care and precision.

Product codeFI-E3DSSHousingStainless steel mirror-finishedDriver6.4mmΦ dynamic driverSensitivity100 dB/mWImpedance16ΩWeight14gCord length1.2m

Βάρος 0.50 kg


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Final E3000 Ακουστικά ψείρες In-Ear Isolating Earphone - Stainless Steel removeAlpine PartyPlug ωτοασπίδες για μουσική (Διάφανες) removeAlpine Plugies Ωτοασπίδες για παιδιά removeAWEI A920BL ΑΚΟΥΣΤΙΚΑ Ακουστικά In-Ear Ψείρες Hands-free Bluetooth Black removeAERIAL7 MAYRHOFEN WHITE AKΟΥΣΤΙΚΑ ΣΚΟΥΦΑΚΙ 32Ω AΣΠΡΟ removeFinal E2000CS Ακουστικά ψείρες με μικρ. και Control Hi-Fi Hi-Res SILVER remove
NameFinal E3000 Ακουστικά ψείρες In-Ear Isolating Earphone - Stainless Steel removeAlpine PartyPlug ωτοασπίδες για μουσική (Διάφανες) removeAlpine Plugies Ωτοασπίδες για παιδιά removeAWEI A920BL ΑΚΟΥΣΤΙΚΑ Ακουστικά In-Ear Ψείρες Hands-free Bluetooth Black removeAERIAL7 MAYRHOFEN WHITE AKΟΥΣΤΙΚΑ ΣΚΟΥΦΑΚΙ 32Ω AΣΠΡΟ removeFinal E2000CS Ακουστικά ψείρες με μικρ. και Control Hi-Fi Hi-Res SILVER remove
Imagealpine partyplug ear plugs for musicians party
Price69.01 με ΦΠΑ 24%17.89 με ΦΠΑ 24%17.89 με ΦΠΑ 24%24.80 με ΦΠΑ 24% Original price was: €49.39.Η τρέχουσα τιμή είναι: €14.25. με ΦΠΑ 24%54.99 με ΦΠΑ 24%

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With the entry of Final into the dynamic earphone world, the E3000 dynamic earphones have been created to provide excellent sound quality with a straightforward design for budget conscious audio lovers. With natural sound that does not emphasise any frequency range specifically, the E3000 provides an overall smooth frequency response for a natural listening experience. Ensuring the balance of frequencies, the small-aperture dynamic driver in the E3000 have not been tuned to accent any frequency range which would mask other frequencies. With this Final have managed to achieve a flat and natural sound in a dynamic driver that has been crafted with utmost care and precision. To make sure the E3000 retains high-resolution sound the earpieces have been crafted from stainless steel with a mirror finish. This stable material minimises unwanted vibrations of the dynamic driver that would distort the sound, presenting an earphone that is perfectly suited to acoustic music, jazz and classical music. Authentic sound experience.

Box Contains

Final E3000 In Ear Isolating Earphones - Stainless Steel 5 pairs silicon ear tips Ear hook Pouch

Part of Final\'s emergence into the dynamic earphone domain, the new E2000 earphones have been developed to provide high-resolution sound in an uncomplicated design at an affordable price point. With natural sound that does not emphasise any frequency range specifically, the E2000 provides an overall smooth frequency response for a natural listening experience.

High Resolution Sound.

Ensuring the balance of frequencies, the small-aperture dynamic driver in the E2000 have not been tuned to accent any frequency range which would mask other frequencies. With this Final have managed to achieve a flat and natural sound in a dynamic driver that has been crafted with utmost care and precision.

Product codeFI-E3DSSHousingStainless steel mirror-finishedDriver6.4mmΦ dynamic driverSensitivity100 dB/mWImpedance16ΩWeight14gCord length1.2m

Μετά από μια βραδινή έξοδο σε μπαρ ή σε club, πολλοί άνθρωποι επιστρέφουν στο σπίτι νιώθοντας δυσάρεστο κουδούνισμα στα αυτιά.Η δυνατή μουσική και οι δυνατές φωνές μεταξύ σας για να ακουστείτε, ήταν οι λόγοι για να σας προκαλέσουν τον δυσάρεστο θόρυβο. Όταν αυτό συμβαίνει πιο συχνά, υπάρχει σοβαρός κίνδυνος μόνιμης απώλειας της ακοής. Για την προστασία της ακοής μας λοιπόν,η Alpine έχει αναπτύξει τις ωτοασπίδες Party Plug. Οι ωτοασπίδες αυτές απορροφούν τον ήχο της μουσικής, χωρίς να χαλάσουν τη ποιότητα της. Με αυτές, οι λάτρεις της μουσικής μπορούν να απολαύσουν τη μουσική κατά τη διάρκεια μιας συναυλίας, πάρτι, φεστιβάλ ή άλλης μουσικής εκδήλωσης, χωρίς να καταστρέφουν την ακοή τους.

Τα μικρά παιδιά παίζουν και μαθαίνουν κάθε μέρα εκτεθειμένα στους διάφορους θορύβους. Δυστυχώς, όμως ένα στα οκτώ παιδιά υποφέρει από μόνιμη απώλεια της ακοής. Ο λόγος είναι επειδή τα παιδιά είναι περισσότερο ευαίσθητα στο θόρυβο . Για το σκοπό αυτό , η Alpine έχει αναπτύξει τις Pluggies ωτοασπίδες για παιδιά ηλικίας μεταξύ τριών και δώδεκα ετών. Αυτές οι πολυλειτουργικές ωτοασπίδες μπορούν να χρησιμοποιηθούν για πολλαπλές εφαρμογές. Οι ωτοασπίδες απορροφούν το θόρυβο του περιβάλλοντος , εμποδίζουν το νερό να εισχωρήσει στο αυτί, βελτιώνουν την συγκέντρωση, και σε περίπτωση ταξιδιών με αεροπλάνο αποτρέπουν τον πόνο στα αυτιά από τις διαφορές πίεσης στην ατμόσφαιρα.

Bluetooth ασύρματα ακουστικά AWEI A920 BL Η απόλυτη μουσική εμπειρία ! Τα νέα αθλητικού τύπου ακουστικά της Awei είναι ο πιο απλός τρόπος να ακούτε την αγαπημένη σας μουσική την ώρα που γυμνάζεστε. Η νέα τεχνολογία Bluetooth 4.0, συνδέει τα ακουστικά σας απευθείας στο τηλέφωνό σας χωρίς παρεμβολές και διακοπές στην ακρόαση. Υποστηρίζουν κάθε συσκευή με λειτουργία Bluetooth (iOS ή Android) ενώ επιπλέον διαθέτουν ενσωματωμένο μικρόφωνο για διαχείρηση κλήσεων. Η διάρκεια λειτουργίας τους είναι περίπου 5 ώρες και το σημαντικότερο: λειτουργούν ακόμα και όταν βρίσκεστε σε απόσταση 10 μέτρων από τη συσκευή σας. Επιπλέον με το πατενταρισμένο design μαγνητικής ζεύξης, ενώνετε τα δύο ακουστικά ώστε να μη τα χάσετε ακόμα και όταν δεν τα χρησιμοποιείτε. Κύρια Χαρακτηριστικά:
  • Bluetooth τεχνολογία v.4.0 για HD ποιότητα ήχου και στερεοφωνική μετάδοση χωρίς διακοπή και κλήσεις χωρίς καθυστερήσεις.
  • Μαγνητικά ακουστικά για να μην τα χάνετε ακόμα και όταν δεν χρησιμοποιούνται.
  • Λειτουργία απομόνωσης εξωτερικών θορύβων για μουσική απόλαυση και συνομιλίες χωρίς προβλήματα. Για να απολαμβάνετε τους περιπάτους σας με μουσική ή ακόμα και τη γυμναστική σας.
  • Πλήκτρο ενεργοποίησης της εφαρμογής φωτογραφιών του τηλεφώνου σας και γρήγορη λήψη φωτογραφίας με διπλό κλικ στο πλήκτρο Volume +.
  • Κατάλληλο για:Συμβατό με συσκευές: Apple iPhone 6s, 6s plus, 6, 6 plus, SE, 5s, 5, iPad, iPod, Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge, S7, S6 Edge, S6, Note, LG, Motorola, Sony, Nokia και τις περισσότερες συσκευές bluetooth.
Τεχνικά Χαρακτηριστικά:
  • Εμβέλεια λειτουργίας: 10 μέτρα
  • Ευαισθησία μικροφώνου: -41±1dB
  • Συχνότητα λειτουργίας: 20 - 20.000 Hz
  • Διάρκεια Λειτουργίας σε μουσική: ~ 4 ώρες
  • Διάρκεια Λειτουργίας σε κλήσεις: ~ 6 ώρες
  • Χρόνος φόρτισης: 2 ώρες περίπου
  • Εμπέδηση: 16 Ω ± 15%
  • Standby: ~200 ώρες
  • Έξοδος: 110 ± 3 dB
  • Μήκος καλωδίου: 60mm
  • Διαθέσιμο σε: μαύρο
Περιεχόμενα συσκευασίας:
  • Ακουστικά A920BL
  • Καλώδιο φόρτισης USB
  • Οδηγίες χρήσης στα αγγλικά
  • 2 x ανταλλακτικά "μαξιλαράκια” για τα ακουστικά
The Ultimate Music Experience ! Sport exercise headphone, with HD music play, enjoying music and other audio when doing exercise! Highly compatible Bluetooth 4.1, you can connect the headphone easily with your phone. It also has built-in microphone, which can answer the call conveniently without holding your phone. Special magnet attached design prevents tangles when 2 plugs stick together. Light weight makes you easy to wear it even a long time. Features: - Support multi-point connection, connect with two different devices at the same time. - Can call or answer the phone. - Support voice report numberautomatically. - Support voice remindingfunction. - With power consumption display function for iPhone. - With vioce controllingfunction. - Support song switching. - CVC 6.0 smart noise reduction. Specifications: Profile support: HSP / HFP / A2DP / AVRCP Cable length: 600mm Product Parameters: Brand:awei Model:A920BL Wearing type:In-Ear Function: Bluetooth, Voice control, Answering phone, Song switching, Multi connection function Connectivity:Wireless Application:Sport Driver unit:9mm Sound Channel: Two-channel (stereo) Frequency response:20-20000Hz Impedance: 16ohms±15 percent Sensitivity:110±3dB Talk time:6h Music time:4h Standby time:200h Charging time:1h Bluetooth:Yes Bluetooth version:V4.1 Bluetooth distance: W/O obstacles 10m Battery capacity:55mAh

Mayrhofen is where old school meets new school. Our ribbed knit logo unisex beanie is made of fine acrylic and comes in two colors: White with blue stripes and logo and a red with black stripes and logo. The beanie has a cuffed fold with a polar fleece headband inner lining and is topped off with a pom-pom of perfection. So suiting for the snow and always encouraging fun, Mayrhofen is the classic mountain look while the ultra slim sound disk delivers crisp, clear sound with a pumping bass. Adjustable speakers allow the flexibility to change their placement based on your activity. Slide the disk over your ears to fully engage or position the disk partially behind your ears to be aware of your surroundings.

  • Engineered to deliver the highest-quality listening experience from your mp3 player or other music device.
  • Built-in microphone for use with iPhone®, BlackBerry®, and other mobile devices.
  • The Sound Disk is only 8.5mm thick and delivers a full spectrum sound experience.
  • Driver Diameter: 35mm
  • Impedance: 32Ω
  • Frequency Response: 20-20KHz
  • Sensitivity (S.P.L.): 100±3dB (at 1KHz)
  • Input Plug Diameter: 3.5mm
  • Adapters: 3.5mm ~ 3.5mm iPhone®

  • Tight low frequencies, sharp middle and high frequencies with uplifting vocals
  • Highly rigid machined aluminium housing with black alumite finish
  • Smartphone compatible single-button control with microphone
  • Unique swing-fitting earpiece mechanism to direct the sound to eardrum
  • Small-aperture 6.4mm diameter dynamic driver with high level of precision
  • Not emphasised ranges for clear and natural sound reproduction
  • Stainless steel mesh housing silver
  • Original ear pieces in five sizes
  • Ear hooks and original cable alleviate touch noises

Part of Final\'s emergence into the dynamic earphone domain, the E2000CS earphones have been developed to provide high-resolution sound in an uncomplicated design at an affordable price point. With natural sound that does not emphasise any frequency range specifically, the E2000CS provides an overall smooth frequency response for a natural listening experience. Final\'s E-series is the first earphone product range in the Final line-up that includes single-button smartphone control and microphone.

Ensuring the balance of frequencies, the small-aperture dynamic driver in the E2000CS have not been tuned to accent any frequency range which would mask other frequencies. With this Final have managed to achieve a flat and natural sound in a dynamic driver that has been crafted with utmost care and precision.

To make sure the E2000CS retains high-resolution sound the earpieces have been crafted from aluminium with a black alumite coating. This stable material combination minimised unwanted vibrations of the dynamic driver that would distort the sound, presenting an earphone that is perfectly suited to electronic dance music and contemporary pop and rock music.

  • Product code E2000CS: FI-E2DALCS (MATT SILVER)
  • Housing Aluminum silver alumite finish(MATT SILVER)
  • Driver6.4mmΦ dynamic driver
  • Sensitivity102 dB/mW
  • Impedance16Ω
  • Weight13g
  • Cord length1.2m

Precision Dynamic Driver
Highest levels of precision have been implemented in the construction of the small-scale dynamic driver unit. Every part has been carefully assembled with levels of attention and care unusual for dynamic drivers at this price point.

Machined Aluminium Structure
With the highly-rigid housing crafted from aluminium with alumite finish, the drivers of the E2000C are kept highly stable, minimising vibrations that might colour the sound. This design displays a simple form and interesting texture that matches the sound image of the E2000C dynamic earphones.

Smartphone Control
With a single button, you can play, stop, rewind, fast forward and take incoming calls. The accompanying microphone makes hands free communication possible. Certain music reproduction functions may not available depending on the model used.

Unique Swing Fit Earpieces
To achieve the shortest path of sound waves to the eardrum, the E2000C have been designed with a unique swing fit mechanism that enables the earpieces to be positioned and tilted to the ideal orientation towards the ear-canal. With this design the sound is propelled directly to the auditory canal opening up a world of clear and satisfying sound.

Innovative Vent Design
To enable accurate airflow of the E2000C, a small opening at the back of the housing extends the reproduction of low frequencies. A filter inside prevents sound leakage from the vent and a strong stainless steel grid protects the interior.

Sound Image
With smooth and natural frequency response the E2000C is able to produce vivid sound with clear vocals and tight and distinct low-frequencies. The result is a sharp, high-resolution sound with a sense of realism making them ideal for listening to pop music, rock music, and electronic dance music.

Weight0.50 kg0.10 kg0.10 kg0.07 kg0.30 kg0.50 kg
Additional information
Βάρος 0.50 kg
Βάρος 0.10 kg
Βάρος 0.10 kg
Βάρος 0.07 kg
Βάρος 0.30 kg
Βάρος 0.50 kg